Swon is a native Korean and so she took us on a culinary tour of Busan. We started Friday night with an excellent sushi restaurant. But Saturday was the triple crown and I could barely keep up, due to a bug I was fighting. We started with a traditional Korean breakfast at the fish market. The fish was so fresh and pan-fried right from the boats. My only struggle was sitting on the floor under the traditional low Korean table. Damn these thighs. For lunch, we went to a beautiful Korean dining room (with chairs!) and had an 8 course feast consisting of young Ginseng roots, a snail soup, grilled prawns, and traditional Korean pancakes including red bean, mushroom and pumpkin.
By dinner time, I was still stuffed, yet we had traditional Bulgogi, or grilled meat. ( Korean bar be que).
Sunday we started rehearsing for the MAC theater production and went to all eat chicken after rehearsals. Korean love to eat and drink. I need to pace myself for the long haul.