Buddha's Birthday. This week was an extended holiday weekend here in Korea. Last Thursday was Labor day. Monday was Children's Day and today, Tuesday, was Buddha's Birthday. DSU was closed since friday, as both yesterday and today were national holidays. The streets and temples of Korea have been festooned with colorful lanterns for weeks in honor of today. The weather was a perfect 72 degrees and sunny. After the terrible tragedy of the ferry disaster several weeks ago, it was obvious the Korean people needed a day of peace and celebration to pay tribute to those who have passed and honor the spiritual leader of so many people.
The MAC theatre festival has been in full swing. Last week I saw L'Ouli des Anges, a dance drama presented by Au Theatre Laboratoire of Switzerland. This afternoon I attended a multimedia fantasy L'Oiseau Bleu
( the blue bird) presented by Collectif Quatre Ailes , a french company. Both were terrific and used movement vocabularies in completely different ways.
We are in final rehearsal week for Hwang Sang Sin Hwa, the Korean drama I am directing. It closes the festival on May 11 and 12.
The MAC theatre festival has been in full swing. Last week I saw L'Ouli des Anges, a dance drama presented by Au Theatre Laboratoire of Switzerland. This afternoon I attended a multimedia fantasy L'Oiseau Bleu
( the blue bird) presented by Collectif Quatre Ailes , a french company. Both were terrific and used movement vocabularies in completely different ways.
We are in final rehearsal week for Hwang Sang Sin Hwa, the Korean drama I am directing. It closes the festival on May 11 and 12.